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Skin Elasticity Treatment Philadelphia

Treatments to Improve Skin Elasticity

At Bella Medspa, improving the skin’s elasticity is a crucial element in effective anti-aging skincare. Without exception, biological and environmental factors cause body parts and skin to sag.

Fortunately, there are options available that will help to reverse and improve these dire effects on our skin.

To better understand what exactly causes our skin to sag, let’s go over a bit of the skin’s anatomy. Your skin has two distinct layers-the epidermis and the dermis.

The epidermis is on the surface and contains the pigment, epidermal cells, and proteins. The dermis is located just beneath the epidermis, containing dermal cells, blood vessels and nerves, hair follicles and oil glands, connective tissue, and collagen.

Not surprising, the dermis is also responsible for providing nutrients to the epidermal layer.

Although it is located beneath the epidermal layer, changes in the dermal layer are what cause the outer skin to wrinkle and loose elasticity. As we grow older, the amount of fat found in our lower layer of skin decreases, our glands produce less oil, and collagen and elastin fibers loose their elasticity.

To make matters worse, the natural process of cell reproduction in the dermal layer also decreases, resulting in a slower rejuvenation of our skin cells.

Fortunately, there are options available to slow down and, in some cases, reverse the signs of aging skin. Of course, surgery is always an option and a facelift can take years off your appearance.

However, it is a major procedure and recovery is long and painful. For those looking for a less invasive route, there are varieties of facial rejuvenation products and procedures on the market today that offer an easier and less painful solution for improving skin elasticity.

Call for a FREE Consultation 484-341-8239

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