Laser Hair Removal for Men Philadelphia, PA Bella Medspa Medical Spa

Laser Hair Removal for Men
Six Locations Throughout the Philadelphia Area! Lancaster, Lemoyne, Bucks County, Chester Springs, Reading
We Treat More Men Than Anyone in the Philadelphia Area! Bella Medspa has treated thousands of men to reduce or remove body hair. Our male clients wish to thin out or remove what they feel is excessive and/or unwanted hair on their back, shoulders, chest, abdomen, arms, hands, legs, neck, hairline or underarms.
Thin Out Hair
More men than ever are using laser hair removal for the face. Seeking to put an end to razor burn, ingrown hairs or just the daily shave, these men find that their facial hair and overall hair growth are much more manageable after a few treatments.
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
The specialized laser beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle. This energy is intense enough to disable the hair follicles in the Anagen growth phase.
About 15% to 20% of the hair follicles are in this phase at any one time. This means that approximately 15% to 20% of the hair follicles in the treatment area are removed with each treatment.
Does Bella Medspa Have Laser Hair Removal Treatments Available for Men of all Skin Tones and Skin Types?
Yes, we do! For more on how the procedure works, see our laser hair removal page. While almost all men with dark hair are good candidates for this procedure, the laser is most effective in treating dark hair on light to moderately pigmented skin. If you have dark skin, our estheticians can discuss treatment options with you so that you can still realize your skincare goals.
Laser Hair Removal vs Waxing
At Bella Medspa, most of our male clients have never ever done any waxing or hair removal beyond time-consuming shaving and manscaping. Perhaps that is because waxing requires a long-term commitment and provides only a short-term solution.
Laser hair removal is the exact opposite. It requires a short-term commitment (a few months) and provides a long-term solution (years).
- Laser hair removal:
Short term commitment, Long term solution - Waxing:
Long term commitment, Short term solution
Number of Treatments Needed
While you may experience some slight “spottiness” in the treated area, our hair reduction laser technology’s 15% to 20% hair removal is even and uniform throughout the treatment area.
This is particularly important for men because so many of them do not want to be completely hair-free–they just want to thin it out. For those who aren’t seeking permanent hair removal, with each treatment you’ll still notice less and less hair.
So, if you have any of the following complaints:
“My haircut would last longer if I didn’t have this hair growing down my neck!”
“The hair on my ears makes me look old!”
“Someone commented about my hairy arms and fingers. It’s embarrassing.”
“I don’t want to be that dude at the beach with the back hair.”
“I still want hair on my chest, but I don’t want it to look like a shag rug.”
“The hair on my back is itchy and hot in the summer.”
“The skin on my face is always sore and red after I shave”
“My collar and tie irritate the hairs on my throat.”
Botox for Men
In recent years, Botox has emerged as an extremely popular Medspa treatment for men. In fact, it is our most popular anti-aging treatment! Over 700,000 American men received BOTOX injections in 2023.
Most men target the forehead area for their treatment, which includes “crows feet” and the two vertical lines between the eyebrows, also known as the “11’s”. Learn More About BOTOX Cosmetic Injections for Men >>
Anti-Aging Skin Treatment for Men
Men really do care about their appearance. Also, they understand that when their skin looks refreshed, healthy, and unblemished they’ll appear younger and more attractive. Microdermabrasion is one of the top 5 non-surgical cosmetic procedures in the U.S. and many popular celebrities have shared their experience using microdermabrasion to treat acne scars or hyperpigmentation.
Learn More About Anti Aging Skin Care for Men >>