Buy Latisse

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Buy Latisse

5 ml Bottle Only $179 | 3 ml Bottle Only $99

Latisse could be your one-and-done solution for long lashes and that beautiful, supermodel look. The only FDA-approved medication for stunning eyelash growth can give you fuller lashes and a much more defined and luxurious look.

With Latisse, there’s no need for multiple thick coats of mascara or experimenting with false eyelashes. This growth serum promotes safe and effective lash growth, and it’s not just a “quick fix.”

Whether you’re experiencing hypotrichosis (very little growth of hair on your head) or just want to enhance your hair growth for that gorgeous glow associated with darker eyelashes, Latisse is the treatment for you.

Also, Latisse doesn’t only offer cosmetic benefits—it can improve your overall health and wellness too! Since eyelashes protect your delicate eyes from debris, inadequate eyelash coverage could eventually lead to a variety of health and vision problems.

What Can I Expect From Latisse?

We all want quick results, especially after undergoing a healthcare treatment. Latisse is one of the few prescription products that offers those rapid results.

But when will you see results? Generally, people begin to see the darker lashes they’re seeking after four weeks of using Latisse. Complete results typically become evident after around 16 weeks.*

Latisse affects both growth phases of your eyelash hair.

  • Phase One: Eyelash Length Increases
  • Phase Two: Number of Eyelash Hairs Increases

Daily application will promote eyelash growth, leading to fuller lashes and a darker, more luxurious look!

Why Should I Buy Latisse?

As mentioned earlier, Latisse is used for two main purposes: aesthetics and healthcare. Both are valid! Latisse will provide results whether you’re using it to treat the symptoms of a health issue or simply to achieve a beautiful, defined look.

If you’re sick of fake eyelashes and tired of expending endless bottles of mascara, feel free to give Latisse a try. Minimal side effects and FDA approval have proven it to be a safe and effective growth serum that can improve your eyelash length.

People have used Latisse to promote eyelash growth while suffering from alopecia areata (a disorder that regularly causes unpredictable hair loss) as well as chemotherapy.

Although results vary depending on the patient, studies have been promising.

How Does Latisse Work?

First, let’s take a look at Latisse’s origins. Lumigan is a drug with the same primary ingredient as Latisse, and it was produced first. Lumigan is used in the form of eye drops to treat glaucoma (eye pressure problems leading to vision loss).

But users of Lumigan discovered an unexpected side effect: longer, fuller, darker lashes! This discovery prompted the development of Latisse as a growth serum specifically for eyelashes.

Latisse increases the length of your eyelashes’ growth cycle. Specifically, it extends the active growth phase (or anagen) and promotes hair growth. This is why the eyelash serum appears to be a miracle product even though it’s just chemistry doing its job!

Where Can I Buy Latisse?

Okay, so you’re excited about Latisse. But now we need to know where you can pick up this wonderful growth serum.

With a prescription, you can buy Latisse from Bella Medspa for shipment in Philadelphia as well as some other locations.

Also, you can visit your doctor’s office and discuss Latisse with them. Dermatologists are often able to prescribe Latisse and many keep it in their offices. Pharmacies provide another option.

Why Should I Buy Latisse Instead of Other Brands?

There are other growth serums out there, and many of them may claim to be the exact same as Latisse. But it’s important to remember that Latisse, or bimatoprost ophthalmic solution, is the only FDA-approved medication of its kind for eyelash growth.

Furthermore, Latisse emphasizes ease of use, user safety, and amazing results. Both the 3ml bottle and the 5ml bottle come with sterile applicators which can negate potential side effects.

Side effects for Latisse users are rare, but some that have been reported include:

  • Slight eye redness
  • Slight eye itchiness
  • Dry eyes
  • Iris discoloration (darkening of iris pigmentation/color)
  • Hair growth on eyelid skin (usually due to improper usage)

It’s important to remember that you’d be assuming a much larger risk if you use non-FDA-approved serums. Latisse has gone through thorough clinical trials in order to make truthful safety claims.

Checking on potential allergens with your dermatologist or doctor is also recommended before you start living the Latisse dream.

How Do I Apply Latisse?

Latisse must be applied properly to ensure the best results. Extending, darkening, and filling out your eyelashes to achieve that supermodel look requires daily applications of Latisse for between twelve and sixteen weeks. You can adjust your usage within that time frame according to the results you see.

After the first 12 to 16 weeks of application, you should continue to use Latisse three to five times a week.

Every evening, you should remove all of your make-up and any contact lenses you’re wearing. Then, use a fresh applicator brush for each of your eyes and apply a single drop of the serum to your upper eyelid/lashes. You should apply it from the inner to the outer lashline, treating like you would a liquid eyeliner.

It’s important to avoid applying Latisse to the lower eyelid/lashes or the actual eye. You should also remember that applying Latisse more than once a day has not been proven to accelerate the serum’s effects.

Step 1 Before Applying LATISSE
Ensure your face is clean. Remove makeup, contact lenses, and other skincare/facial care products.

Step 2 Prepare the Applicator
Remove the applicator from its tray. Hold the sterile applicator horizontally and place one drop of Latisse solution on the area of the applicator closest to the tip (but not on the tip!).

Step 3 Apply to Skin
Draw the applicator carefully from the inner to outer lashline on your upper eyelid/lashes, just as you would apply liquid eyeliner. It should feel lightly moist without any runoff.

Step 4 Blot Excess LATISSE
Blot any excess solution (or runoff) beyond the eyelid with a tissue. There should only be solution on the lashline of your upper eyelid/lashes.

Step 5 Dispose of Applicator
Dispose of the applicator after you use it once and repeat this process for your opposite eyelid. You’ll need to use a new sterile applicator to minimize the odds of potential contamination.

* Results are not guaranteed. They may vary from patient to patient. For more detail please call us 484-341-8239

Before and After - Longer Lashes!

Latisse BA by Bella Medspa Philadelphia, PA

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