Microneedling Harrisburg

Microneedling by Bella Medspa

Microneedling in Lemoyne, PA at Bella Medspa

Microneedling has become a very popular treatment to eradicate many unwanted skin conditions. A single treatment can take years off of your appearance. Many studies indicate that microneedling is a safe and effective way to build skin health. We are confident that you will be happy with our trained and experienced medical estheticians after your microneedling treatment at our Lemoyne, PA office.

Consultations are FREE. Call now at (717) 980-5948 to Schedule!

Microneedling, which is also known as collagen induction therapy, is a skincare procedure that uses the body’s natural response to controlled dermal injury. An automated pen is used to generate thousands of microperforations in the upper dermis layer. This process triggers a natural skin healing mechanism to create new collagen and elastin. It significantly improves the texture and tone of skin.

This skin rejuvenation technique encourages your skin to produce collagen, a vital protein that decreases as we age. When the tiny needles prick your skin, you experience a slight injury. Your skin will respond by producing new collagen-rich tissue, encouraging a firmer texture and even skin tone. After a few treatments, your new skin will look brighter and better than before.


Benefits of Microneedling

The main advantages of microneedling are skin renewal and the restoration of a youthful glow that has been lost due to aging or skin damage. The procedure stimulates the body’s natural ability to repair itself by producing more collagen and elastin, which in turn promotes cell growth and the production of fresh, healthy skin cells.

Due to the tiny needles used, microneedling is also a minimally invasive procedure. General anesthesia or incisions are not necessary for the treatment, unlike more invasive cosmetic procedures. Additionally, there is a much lower chance of complications with microneedling.

A microneedling session typically lasts an hour, though actual procedure times will vary depending on the size of the treatment area. You should avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours after your appointment , but you can resume your regular daily activities right away. You should also avoid exposure to the sun for at least a week after your treatment, and should be protecting your skin regularly with a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

The microneedling procedure yields quick results. Within a couple of weeks, visible improvement is seen by the majority of patients. Thanks to the prolonged protein  caused by the treatment, this rejuvenation will last for months.

Beyond its aesthetic advantages, microneedling is an efficient substitute for laser treatments. Additionally, it has significantly fewer recovery requirements and much milder side effects. To find out more about the advantages of microneedling, continue reading.

Microneedling can help to improve a range of skin conditions:

  • Enhances elasticity and texture of skin
  • Scar treatment, including acne scars
  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reversal of hyperpigmentation and sunspots
  • Reduced appearance of pores and improves overall texture of the skin
  • Stretch mark revision
  • Reduces appearance of surgical scars
  • Improved effectiveness of topical skincare products
  • Treats melasma

What Are the Benefits Over Laser Treatments?

Microneedling holds a few advantages over laser treatments.

First, it usually involves less downtime, making it a more convenient option for many. Microneedling also stimulates the body’s natural healing process, promoting collagen and elastin production, which results in smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin.

In addition, microneedling can be used in combination with other skin treatments to achieve better results.

What Conditions Does Microneedling Treat?

Microneedling is used to treat various skin conditions and complaints, including acne scarring, large pores, rosacea, and wrinkles. Microneedling’s anti-aging benefits are particularly effective, and this technique is used in certain procedures such as sunspot revision and eyelid surgery. In addition, professionals can use microneedling to deposit medication, such as topical tretinoin or vitamin C, deeper into the skin.

What Does the Research Say About Microneedling?

Modern research into microneedling affirms its efficacy in diminishing the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and pores.

A study published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery in 2009 found a significant reduction in patients’ atrophic acne scars following multiple sessions of microneedling. Another study published in the journal Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology in 2017 demonstrated that microneedling was an effective, well-tolerated treatment for pigmentation disorders like melasma.

Furthermore, the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology published a 2018 study showing reduced pore size and improved skin texture after microneedling treatments.

However, it should be noted that results and response to microneedling treatment can vary among individuals due to a variety of factors specific to them.

Am I a Good Candidate for Microneedling?

Except for those with darker skin, almost any healthy adult is a good candidate for microneedling. Skin types 1-4 are typically treated at Bella Medspa.

Most frequently, scars from injuries and acne are treated with this method. Many people also use it to tone and tighten “crepey” or thin skin that they are experiencing as a result of aging.

The increased collagen production brought on by microneedling can fill in and smooth out any wrinkles, fine lines, or other aging-related skin conditions, thereby restoring your healthy skin texture. It can also treat sun damage-related hyperpigmentation.

To reduce the size of large pores, you can also try microneedling. The procedure can be used by practitioners to improve the appearance of stretch marks and skin discoloration.

The best way to determine whether microneedling is an appropriate course of treatment for you is to speak with a qualified esthetician. In order for the treatment to help you achieve your desired results and your provider to rule out any contraindications, it is crucial to be open and honest about your medical history and aesthetic goals.

Who Shouldn’t Get Microneedling Done?

Due to the increased risk of infection, people with weakened immune systems or those undergoing cancer treatment should avoid microneedling.

Despite the tiny punctures, microneedling should be avoided by people with blood or clotting disorders due to the possibility of bleeding. Additionally, those with conditions that result in hard, raised scarring are ineligible for the procedure.

Microneedling is probably not a good idea if you have severe acne, psoriasis, eczema, or any other serious skin issues. People with moles or skin tags are also not good candidates because the microneedles could harm their skin even more.

How to Prepare for Microneedling Treatment

The most crucial step in getting ready for your microneedling appointment is to adhere to the advice given by your esthetician. In accordance with your skin type and the treatment you’ll receive, they will provide detailed advice.

Prior to your appointment, it is best to avoid anything that will make your skin more sensitive. The skin can become irritated by tanning, excessive sun exposure, or harsh exfoliants. Exposure to these things could make the procedure more difficult and prolong the healing process.

Providers will suggest you stop any use of retinol, isotretinoin, or other medications for severe acne for up to a few days prior to your treatment. Due to the fact that inflammation is a necessary component of the healing process following microneedling, the aesthetician may also advise you to stop taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs. But before you stop taking any prescription medication, make sure to talk to your doctor.

To get the best results, three to six microneedling sessions spaced about a month apart are usually required. You may improve your results and enhance your level of dermatological wellness by planning out your treatments in advance.

The Treatment

When you book your microneedling treatment, our staff will explain the procedure to you and answer any questions you may have about the process. About one hour before your first treatment, your technician will begin the microneedling procedure by applying a topical anesthetic to the area being treated. This will help reduce feelings of discomfort.

During the procedure, your technician will use a small, pen-like tool with fine needles to make tiny pricks under your skin. Your technician will gently and evenly move the microneedle over the surface of your skin, ensuring the even production of rejuvenated skin. Once the procedure is finished, your technician may apply a serum to calm your skin.

How Does Micro-needling Work?

Microneedling essentially causes trauma to the skin through the micro-injuries left on your face. Your skin responds to this trauma by increasing collagen production, revitalizing and rejuvenating your skin. Collagen is a vital protein that keeps skin looking youthful; as we age, we experience a natural decline in collagen. A collagen deficiency is one of the primary contributing factors to signs of skin aging.

At a speed of 6,000 stamps per minute, microneedling therapy creates 66,000 micro-holes in the skin allowing medicinal solutions to penetrate and rejuvenate skin cells. Because the trauma to the skin is minor, it should only take about one week for the skin to heal and reveal visible results.

Does it Hurt?

Since microneedling involves tiny needles poking into the skin, it can be painful without a topical anesthetic. With this anesthetic, however, you will experience facial numbing and the pain you experience during the procedure is minimal.

We are committed to providing a safe, comfortable experience. Our microneedling experts will always apply topical anesthetic to your skin’s surface prior to the procedure.

You may also experience minor irritation and redness immediately after your appointment, which can cause some discomfort. This is a normal response from your skin to the microneedling wounds. These symptoms should disappear within 24 hours after your appointment.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

To reap the full benefits of microneedling, Bella Medspa recommends scheduling multiple treatments. Most patients require 3 to 6 consecutive treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart for best results.

Our Microneedling Pen

The microneedling devices used by Bella Medspa are very safe, professional-grade tools. Each of our microneedling pens have automated vibrating functions that prevent unnecessary epidermal damage, protecting the quality of your skin. The microneedle’s controlled vibrations also increase the absorption of skincare products, increasing the effectiveness of treatment in the process.

Is Microneedling Safe?

Research shows that microneedling is a very safe and effective procedure when professional equipment is used—but home microneedling is a completely different story. Dermarolling at home produces the same micro-injuries as microneedling, but you can increase your risk of infection due to unsanitary conditions.

We always sterilize our microneedles and facilities to keep our patients safe from infection and dangerous side effects. Although you can purchase a consumer dermaroller, you should not attempt skin needling at home. Always choose professional microneedling over DIY procedures.

Microneedling is safe for all skin types, including thin and sensitive skin. However, there are certain people who should not receive this treatment.

    You may not be an ideal microneedling candidate if:
  • You are pregnant.
  • You have certain skin diseases, such as eczema or psoriasis.
  • You have a history of scars on your skin.
  • You currently have open wounds on your face.
  • You underwent radiation therapy recently.

Side Effects of Microneedling

Despite the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, all treatments have side effects. The most frequent adverse reaction to microneedling therapy is skin sensitivity and irritation. Despite how small they are, the holes still slightly harm the fabric. Your skin might be irritated and red for up to 72 hours following the procedure as a result. While recovering, some people experience skin peeling.

The more severe side effects, such as bruising, and infection, are uncommon and unusual. They typically only happen when untrained providers use subpar equipment and poor sterilization techniques while performing microneedling. Although these microneedling side effects are rare, you should call a doctor immediately if you notice:

  • Bruising
  • Signs of infection

Microneedling Aftercare

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure, so aftercare is simple and easy. Recovery time is minimal and most people do not need to take any downtime to heal from their treatment. Skin irritation and redness are common during the first few days after the procedure. However, it is important to take good care of your skin during the healing process.

Your skin will be more sensitive to the sun after microneedling, so it is important to wear sunscreen every day—especially for the first two weeks after treatment. Avoid spending too much time in the sun during the first week of your procedure to avoid sun damage.

Because your microneedling wounds need time to heal, do not apply makeup during the first 24 hours after the procedure. You should especially avoid applying makeup with used makeup brushes, which can contain bacteria that can lead to infection.

To protect yourself from infection and promote the healthiest skin possible, you should also avoid situations where you might sweat heavily. Avoid intense gym workouts, saunas, swimming pools, and other activities for at least 48 hours after the procedure.

Microneedling Cost

Microneedling procedure costs can vary. A single session can cost between $100 to $700 per person. The Bella Medspa team will inform you of the cost of your treatment before your first procedure.

If you are unsure whether you can afford microneedling, Bella Medspa offers free consultations and affordable healthcare financing with CareCredit. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discuss your payment options.

Can Microneedling Be Combined with Other Treatments?

Yes, microneedling can be combined with other treatments to maximize skin rejuvenation and healing. It’s often paired with treatments such as chemical peels, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and vitamin-infused serums. Such combinations enhance the effectiveness of these treatments, as the micro-channels created by microneedling allow for deeper penetration by serums and other topical products.

However, it’s crucial to consult an experienced esthetic provider like Bella Medspa before combining any treatments, as the suitability of such combinations can vary based on your individual skin type and treatment goals.

Skincare Health and Wellness

Microneedling can promote the production of collagen—but this treatment alone isn’t enough to give bright, beautiful skin instantly. It is important to maintain a gentle and effective skincare routine, eat a healthy diet, and drink plenty of water to promote beautiful skin.

Hyaluronic acid serum is recommended for use after microneedling; this product hydrates the skin and may stimulate collagen production. After your treatment, ask your Bella Medspa technician about hyaluronic acid and which serums they would recommend using.

Navigating skincare products after microneedling can be slightly challenging. To avoid damage to your skin, follow these tips.

  • Keep your skincare routine to a minimum after the procedure. Use gentle cleansers and toners to treat your skin.
  • Avoid harsh exfoliating chemicals and scented products for the first few days after your procedure.
  • Avoid products containing retinol or vitamin C for at least 48 hours after microneedling. Gradually introduce these products back into your regimen once this time has passed.

If you are unsure whether a skincare product is right for you, ask your Bella Medspa technician. They can advise you on whether any cleansers, scrubs, or toners you plan to use after your procedure could harm your skin or microneedling’s effectiveness.

What to Expect After Microneedling Treatment

Your skin will be somewhat inflamed and sensitive right after the microneedling session. Some patients say their skin feels tight or dry. Others claim it to be red and tender.

After your treatment, we advise sticking to gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and serums. To get the best results from microneedling, it’s crucial to wear sunscreen, stay out of the sun, and avoid using too much of any cosmetic product that might irritate your skin.

By the fifth day of recovery, the treatment’s minor punctures will have completely healed. After that, you can resume your regular skin care regimen and put on makeup again. However, you should still avoid harsh products like chemical peels.

As their new skin develops and replaces the injured cells, some people experience peeling and itching. Be sure to avoid picking or scratching your skin as it could slow down the healing process and compromise your treatment results.

Your skin will continue to tighten and be rejuvenated in the months following your procedure as your increased collagen production creates new cells and fortifies the anatomical structures that support your face and skin. Still, be sure to contact your provider if you experience any unanticipated side effects.

Does Microneedling Work?

Clinical research supporting microneedling

A number of well-designed clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of microneedling.

  • A systematic review published in 2018 concluded that microneedling is both safe and effective for improving skin health (1). The researchers stated that microneedling can help to rejuvenate the skin and improve the state of scars and wrinkles.
  • A press release published by the American Academy of Dermatology stated that microneedling can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars and stretch marks (2).
  • One study found that microneedling in combination with ascorbic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite was an effective treatment for stretch marks on the thighs and abdominal areas (3).

Directions to Bella Medspa Lemoyne, PA

From Harrisburg, PA

Head south on N 6th St toward Reily St 13 ft Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Reily St 0.5 mi Turn left onto N Front St 1.0 mi Turn right onto Market St 266 ft Continue onto Market St Bridge 0.7 mi Continue onto Market St Destination will be on the right

From Mechanicsburg, PA

Our Medical Director

All medical services are overseen by our medical director, Dr. Appel who has over 10 years experienced in medical aesthetics field.

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